The Harcourt Red Grand Genre Vase at Home in The Grand Salon Don’t miss your chance to marvel at the Harcourt Red Grand Genre Vase in person, on display at the Baccarat Hotel’s Grand Salon overlooking the MoMA in NYC. The Grand Salon at the Baccarat Hotel earns its name through a palette of platinum and sparkling neutral shades, Jouffre silk-covered walls, parquet floors, and plush, high-backed banquettes—a wonderful surrounding in which to meet friends, family, and business partners beneath a 64-arm Baccarat chandelier overlooking the MoMA in NYC. The atmosphere of this incredible space is made even more special by the heritage Baccarat crystal pieces on display. The tradition of showcasing the best and most breathtaking pieces from the manufacture started with pieces on loan from the French government. Currently on display in the Grand Salon is the unforgettable Harcourt Red Grand Genre Vase—a must-see piece! Inspired by a ceremonial chalice commissioned in 1840 by King Louis-Philippe, the Harcourt Red Grand Genre Vase epitomizes the power and majesty of these royal beginnings with its imposing height and brilliant sparkle. The creation of this exceptional masterpiece requires the unique skill and craftsmanship of Baccarat’s most prestigious artisans, those who have earned the title of Meilleurs Ouvriers de France—a rare distinction given by the French government designating the recipient as the finest in their field. Baccarat boasts more of these artisans than any other French luxury company. This intricately imagined vase of “diamond” and “rice grain” cuts are double cased with red crystal. It provides the perfect medium for Baccarat’s signature color with an intensity can only be achieved by fusing clear crystal with pure 24-carat gold. The brilliant result is a true objet d’art representing the perfect intersection between heritage, modernity, and perfection. Marvel at this incredible vase in person. Browse menus and event options in the Grand Salon NYC. Learn more about Baccarat’s fascinating heritage. Other Articles You May Enjoy Discover the New Le Prism Cocktail Menu A Celebration of Light and Crystal View Story Tagged as Cocktails Cuisine Heritage How It's Made Spring Introducing the L’Art du Cocktail Menu Inspired by The Bar’s Curated Art Collection View Story Tagged as Arts Cocktails Fall Heritage How It's Made NYC 5 Ways to Indulge at the Baccarat New York Whether you’re here for an overnight stay or a multi-night discovery, there’s no limit to your indulgence. Discover 5 ways to indulge at the Baccarat Hotel. View Story Tagged as Arts Heritage